ACRES Aug 2016 – Summer Picnic & Networking Event

ACRES hosted a Summer Picnic & Networking Event @ Central Park to celebrate this summer! It’s an opportunity to catch up with ACRES friends while having fun playing frisbee, badminton, cards, and other games! We especially THANK our event sponsor, Related Companies (瑞联集团) to help us make the event happen! We have also partnered with Overseas Chinese Civil and Structural Engineering Association (OCCSEA), Columbia University Urban China Network (UCN), NYU Schack Real Estate Institute Student Association (REISA) and Tongji University Alumni Association of America (TJUAAA) for this event.


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The event details are found below:

Time: 08/13/2016 Saturday 3:00pm
Location: Central Park, Great Lawn (southeast corner, enter from E 79th St, close to the MET; please see the red dot on the map below; we’ll have an ACRES sign on the field you will not miss us 🙂
Special thanks to event sponsorRelated Companies/瑞联集团:

瑞联集团(“瑞联”)成立于1972 年,是一家综合型高度多元化的房地产企业,瑞联在房产开发、收购、管理、财务、基金管理、营销和销售等方面都处于行业领先位置。集团旗下资产超过300 亿美金,遍布世界各地的高门槛一级市场,资产组合包括城市综合体、住宅、商场、写字楼、贸易展和经济适用房。集团总部设在纽约市,并在波士顿、芝加哥、洛杉矶、旧金山、南佛罗里达、华盛顿、阿布扎比、伦敦、圣保罗和上海等地拥有分公司及开发项目。瑞联最出名的项目莫过于美国纽约的时代华纳中心(26 万平方米)以及佛罗里达西棕榈滩的城市广场(超过29 公顷)。更多关于瑞联集团,请访问

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