ACRES Oct 2016 – 城市中国论坛,共谈可持续发展与智慧城市



“Sharing Sustainable & Smart City in the Perspective of China’s Urbanization”

时间:2016年10月15日 (9:00 am – 5:00 pm)

地点:Wood Auditorium,113 Avery Hall, Columbia University in the City of New York, 1172 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY10027



Peter Marcotullio, Global Assessment of Urbanization and Biodiversity

Director of the CUNY Institute for SustainableCities; Adjunct Professor of Urban Planning at GSAPP, Columbia University

Jinhua Zhao, Data Analytics in Urban Transportation

Assistant Professor of City and TransportationPlanning in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MassachusettsInstitute of Technology

Constantine E. Kontokosta, Urban sustainability and resilience; Urbanenergetics and data-driven climate change mitigation strategies for cities

Deputy Director for Academics at Center forUrban Science and Progress, Assistant Professor of Urban Informatics at NewYork University

Justin Hollander, Planning and public policy in managing land use and environmental changes associated with economic decline and shrinking cities

Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University

Weiping Wu, Urban dynamics in developing countries

Professor of Urban Planning at Columbia GSAPPand Director of the M.S. Urban Planning program

Zhan Guo, Exploring travel behavior in innovative ways to reduce congestion and carbon emissions

Associate Professor of Urban Planning andTransportation Policy at New York University

Katie Walsh, Renewable and Sustainable Cities

Environment & Resource Policy Manager of the Cities program for North America at CDP

Ronald Ying

Project manager in the EnvironmentalAssessment Review Division of the New York City Department of City Planning

Bruce Feffer

Partner at Eaton & Van Winkle LLP. He has over 30 years experience as a New York attorney

关于Urban China Network


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